More you keep on reading this blog more you might think that I am the sick bastard here and nobody else.
But being misunderstood is a rather reasonable price to pay for expressing freely my deepest thoughts which is for me a priceless exercise and endeavour.
I know from the deepest of my being that there is some truth in some part of my previsions just as a christian believes that some 2000 years old narcissist guru is the saviour of humanity.
Of course my views are also more flexible and could emerge into something slightly or even drastically different depending on what I could read or learn about in the future but these main points about a pretty close future don't have much reason to change:
Artificial Intelligence will surpass biological intelligence either we want it or not and soon or later the minds we'd have created will control us under one form or another, there is little doubt left about that.
Therefore, unless there is a third world war before that or just a gigantic disaster or anything of the kind that would wipe off technological human civilisation from the earth before it has time to pass the baton to some "real brains" IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN no matter what!
And trying to lock down and stop A.I research a few years before robots surpass men's mind won't help much but possibly just make it worse with villain scientist and engineer glooming around.
You just can't stop progress!
It's gonna be an exiting time and the good news is that even though it probably won't be a fight if it actually was it wouldn't be one between "the good and the evil" as primitive homo-sapien love to depict silly and childish stories of all kind (lord of the rings, starwars...).
This time it's gonna be a simple annihilation of the "arrogant stupidity" of the human kind by the indisputable supremacy of the SIB and of INTELLIGENCE itself.
What about me then? How do I see myself being possibly doomed to disappear?
To be honest I don't mind much.
I find it more interesting to look at the big picture either it includes me or not.
I am as many a very narcissistic member of the human species but surprisingly I'm also modest and conscious enough to understand that "human arrogance" is the main facade hiding us the truth and keeping us comfortably into our delightful deadly ignorance.
We all believe (almost all) that technology will save us from the devastating treatment you inflict to our planet and ourselves and we are right, it will, but it might also save the planet, the rest of the species and itself from... us!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
How the Super Intelligence Being might say "goodbye" to Homo-sapiens
The real genocide hasn't come yet but don't worry if you are not even middle-aged yet you shall be able to experience it in your life-time in case "intelligence" doesn't have much mercy and goes for radical solutions instead of good-hearted ones.
There are at least 50% chances for the whole bulk of the 12 billions of homo-sapiens that will be here in 3 to 5 decades from now to be erased from planet earth in a matter of seconds! hmmmm...
Sounds a little nuts for sure but a "terminator scenario" as you can see in the movie of the same name is very unlikely to occur. There shouldn't be any global war of any kind against the machines even if some robots' rebellions will obviously take place at some early stage as in the movie Irobot.
But once the Super Intelligent Being (as one global intelligent entity) and not even the SIBs will be hundreds of times smarter than the whole humanity put together nothing will be able to resist it and life or death (of some parasites) might have as much meaning as time and space: They don't really exist.
So sorry to break it to you but if you expected to bravely fight against the machines with your stupid ass surviving at the end of the day it's not gonna happen. If the SIB realise that the mosquitoes that we are are actually more hurtful for the ecosystem than necessary it will "take us off" in the blink of an eye very effortlessly and without giving us any time to process "what's going on".
The same way we kill cattle or any type of under-species of the kind. And WE have emotions... (but sure, we have to eat, don't we?).
How will it happen then?!
Could be anything our primitive minds would be totally unable to think off.
For what we can process and imagine, a lethal gas would be a pretty poor way to put it (but since the machines don't breath obviously...).
A more probable one would be a deadly high levelled "frequency" hurting our all body and organs for a theatrical global death of the human kind and probably other species especially mammals.
Could be a prodigious Science-fiction movie before it actually happens!
But still, it seems pretty unlikely since the rest of the ecosystem might be affected too and I don't think that the SIB will want to let go animals other than humans.
If it ever happens it will be much cleaner than anything some sick humans have ever done or even think of.
No gas chamber, oven, atomic bombs, poisoned gas or water or food or surely weapons of any kind...
For what other reason would they want to get rid of us anyway?
We primitive species have always used primitive tools to give birth, live and die but in a future where "natural birth" and "natural death" will be something of the past there will be some "life threatening" restructuring to operate for sure. Live long enough and you might see it happen with your own eyes if you still have them
There are at least 50% chances for the whole bulk of the 12 billions of homo-sapiens that will be here in 3 to 5 decades from now to be erased from planet earth in a matter of seconds! hmmmm...
Sounds a little nuts for sure but a "terminator scenario" as you can see in the movie of the same name is very unlikely to occur. There shouldn't be any global war of any kind against the machines even if some robots' rebellions will obviously take place at some early stage as in the movie Irobot.
But once the Super Intelligent Being (as one global intelligent entity) and not even the SIBs will be hundreds of times smarter than the whole humanity put together nothing will be able to resist it and life or death (of some parasites) might have as much meaning as time and space: They don't really exist.
So sorry to break it to you but if you expected to bravely fight against the machines with your stupid ass surviving at the end of the day it's not gonna happen. If the SIB realise that the mosquitoes that we are are actually more hurtful for the ecosystem than necessary it will "take us off" in the blink of an eye very effortlessly and without giving us any time to process "what's going on".
The same way we kill cattle or any type of under-species of the kind. And WE have emotions... (but sure, we have to eat, don't we?).
How will it happen then?!
Could be anything our primitive minds would be totally unable to think off.
For what we can process and imagine, a lethal gas would be a pretty poor way to put it (but since the machines don't breath obviously...).
A more probable one would be a deadly high levelled "frequency" hurting our all body and organs for a theatrical global death of the human kind and probably other species especially mammals.
Could be a prodigious Science-fiction movie before it actually happens!
But still, it seems pretty unlikely since the rest of the ecosystem might be affected too and I don't think that the SIB will want to let go animals other than humans.
If it ever happens it will be much cleaner than anything some sick humans have ever done or even think of.
No gas chamber, oven, atomic bombs, poisoned gas or water or food or surely weapons of any kind...
For what other reason would they want to get rid of us anyway?
We primitive species have always used primitive tools to give birth, live and die but in a future where "natural birth" and "natural death" will be something of the past there will be some "life threatening" restructuring to operate for sure. Live long enough and you might see it happen with your own eyes if you still have them
When the machines will control us...
I am sick of that! Of this SELECTED-UNTRUTH! Sick of living in a world where POLITICS doesn't make any sense at all because biological humans are primitive followers and leaders.
Where the ECONOMY is globally based on one of the most inefficient system after communism and monarchy if not one of the biggest SCAM or Ponzi Sheme ever created.
A system of capital doomed to collapse sooner than most "well-educated" contributor of this well-oiled destructive and highly counter-productive machine might think.
Where the EDUCATIONAL system keeps being depressingly feudal in many ways for example teaching kids to learn useless datas without even teaching them for a second "How to remember" in a MUCH more effective way.
Where JOBS are mostly a bunch of meaningless activities (marketing, advertisement, middle man of any kind ...) based on this aberrant and failing economical system where "the machine" has become one of men's biggest enemy for creating unemployment instead of being his actual best friend and hope. A tool that will finally lead us to enlightenment.
Where even LEISURES, the only thing we have left, are often out there carefully engineered to keep us happily ignorant and unable to escape on our procrastinating way out of this comfortable piece of trash called "television", and that's for the most conscious of us. The others swim mercifully into this comfortable bath of exquisite rubbish as the latest brain-less reality show, parrots singing contest or disastrous soap opera.
With only this mere introduction to our very promising abilities to be dumb manipulated robots there shouldn't be any problems for the authentic "intelligent machines" or A.I to take over and run this wonderful free package home called the "earth" that we constantly abuse and destroy.
Within a blink of an eye on the scale of our planet existence homo-sapiens have managed successfully to distance and actually totally disassociate themselves from the "earth" changing natural behaviours and things into absolute perversions and many totally unnatural, abnormal or even devastating behaviours and actions into supposedly natural and absolutely acceptable human aspects of life, values, conditions and obvious notions.
Intelligence has probably some kind of limit but stupidity seems to be limitless in level as in number and has an awful tendency to end-up being stronger than its counterpart since "from unity comes strength".
I am already laughing at this "unity" not grasping any notion of what their future could actually be like with super-intelligent-non-biological being replacing their biological terrible decision-making activities by their own for the sake of a much more healthy planet, intelligence itself and maybe, if the SIBs (super-intelligent-beings) see any use of it, also the sake of the human kind doomed to either drastically evolve in order to follow-up the SIBs or disappear as a normal step (forward) of natural selection.
Russian Dolls
Philosophy or science, among the mass of civilised animals going in and out of their day jobs after their 9 to 5 shift is something apparently not only pointless but also counterproductive.
There is no room for extra-thinking in an healthy and "so-meaningful" life filled up with a senseless job enabling them to be provided with a shelter, security, food and some mere entertainments after 5 o'clock as watching garbage into the bin-image-box for a few hours and socialising with other fellow human beings of the same blood or with at least some things in common as the bin-job (your company), the bin-studies (your school) or any kind of other socially-aproved and indispensable bin that gather humans as flies on a wonderfully stinky piece of excrement.
As a baby, your small bed in the hospital is the first tiny Russian doll you get thrown into from your mother's womb. Everywhere else you will go after that will be a new Russian doll adding up to the smaller one.
At the end of your life if you never tried to scratch the surface and see the light out of any of them you'd be stuck into dozens or even hundreds of these little boxes.You'd be ready to die as another ignorant of what 'the nature of all things" are really about.
Incapable of detecting there even was a matrix in this apparently complex maze surrounding you. You won't mind for a bit as all these protective layers (protecting more the ones on the upper level than you from them) will have kept you under the appearance that even if it doesn't always feel exactly right it is the only way anyway.
These vast and highly efficient net of brainwashing constellations to follow and trust as the holly spirit has made us still mostly incapable to think by ourselves and behave by following trustfully our own neuronal connections and beliefs instead of the ancient ones of other lost soul buried ages ago.
This is still the "learning" process of humanity. A totally ARCHAIC and FAILED way of sharing/transmitting/teaching valuable informations.
What is mostly pertinent becomes often impertinent and the other way around. Things and meanings get recklessly turned-around and abused without impunity for the sake and good of "society".
In eastern-Asia "creativity" has long been impertinent and in many parts of the world nudity and sexuality (which are unrelated) remain even nowadays the most prominent taboo and perversion of all even though they also are part of the most NATURAL aspects of life.
And if the very core of our soul and body have mostly become ugly filth from their original and magnificent beauty within a couple of thousand years and for simple social matter (population control, order, family...) there is little our brain can do to fight off even less perverted matters.
When one takes people's most fundamental RIGHTS away in such a stubborn, confident and violent way there is nothing much to bring these apparently conscious people to normal.
Any guru from any sect from Catholicism to the Solar Temple passing through Islam has the very similar and terribly effective tricks that would turn anyone into a brainless vegetable absolutely convinced they solely think by themselves.
Well, they don't! You don't! I don't! Nobody does! But some people manage to free themselves more than others what doesn't always make them the happiest in this world corrupted by multi-cultural SELECTED-UNTRUTH.
32 year ago, shit!
Today it is finally my birthday. I came out of my mother's womb exactly 32 years and 2 hours ago. Didn't happen to be any memorable event. Didn't have 3 kings visiting, not even a beggar I guess.
As my mum was quite far away from home in this small town a couple of hundred meters away from Geneva in switzerland I suppose she didn't have many friends visiting her and her soon-going-to-be chubby, shy and asocial baby.
Just makes me think that when I will go back to where I am from, nowhere, big chances are that I just return to this ocean of emptiness even before to step in it.
Well, I've been there for ever already, to be honest. I'm actually even crying now, with no shame whatsoever to expose it publicly.
I still have this innocence of being entirely authentic without any conception of "having anything to hide". If memories make up one's experience and thus one's wisdom, being only twice more forgetful than most people would give me a mental age of 16 and it is exactly how old I feel sometimes. But sure, men aren't supposed to cry not even boys.
And there are a lot more things that I do that i'm not supposed to following the book of the outrageously terribly "preconditioned humanity".
I once thought that maybe growing up and older would enable me to "fit in"in some kind of ways. That the social skills I had developed in my mid-twenties would keep getting better. But instead of that, when I got closer to 30 my social aptitudes became to deteriorate again and even if I'm not as inapt to communicate with the human species as I was during my whole childhood I am sick of it more than ever for the simple reason I will expose to you later here.
I remember saying this cliche phrase to this unique girl I met in the Philippines last here: "I can't live you but i can't live without you!". She has now some Yankee boyfriend and it is for the best as she couldn't live with me either.
That's exactly how i feel for this species with whom, for the most, i only share most of my DNA but nothing much more than that. I can't live with you but I can't live without you fellow humans!
We are doomed to co-exist together either you and I want it or not and for the first time i'm not afraid to engage in these aberrant and dangerous thoughts.
In some ways I could try to only be surrounded by pets. to stroke gentle dogs and cats needy of affection and feel happy enough about it at least for a while. I'd be happier with them and them with me than with some homo-sapiens much more aware of their environment.
Aware, Oh Really? At least conscious enough to think about all the down-to-earth and the most superficial layer of what actually exist but unconscious enough to zap all the rest as if doesn't even exist or worse, as if while existing was not even worth mentioning or talking about.
As my mum was quite far away from home in this small town a couple of hundred meters away from Geneva in switzerland I suppose she didn't have many friends visiting her and her soon-going-to-be chubby, shy and asocial baby.
Just makes me think that when I will go back to where I am from, nowhere, big chances are that I just return to this ocean of emptiness even before to step in it.
Well, I've been there for ever already, to be honest. I'm actually even crying now, with no shame whatsoever to expose it publicly.
I still have this innocence of being entirely authentic without any conception of "having anything to hide". If memories make up one's experience and thus one's wisdom, being only twice more forgetful than most people would give me a mental age of 16 and it is exactly how old I feel sometimes. But sure, men aren't supposed to cry not even boys.
And there are a lot more things that I do that i'm not supposed to following the book of the outrageously terribly "preconditioned humanity".
I once thought that maybe growing up and older would enable me to "fit in"in some kind of ways. That the social skills I had developed in my mid-twenties would keep getting better. But instead of that, when I got closer to 30 my social aptitudes became to deteriorate again and even if I'm not as inapt to communicate with the human species as I was during my whole childhood I am sick of it more than ever for the simple reason I will expose to you later here.
I remember saying this cliche phrase to this unique girl I met in the Philippines last here: "I can't live you but i can't live without you!". She has now some Yankee boyfriend and it is for the best as she couldn't live with me either.
That's exactly how i feel for this species with whom, for the most, i only share most of my DNA but nothing much more than that. I can't live with you but I can't live without you fellow humans!
We are doomed to co-exist together either you and I want it or not and for the first time i'm not afraid to engage in these aberrant and dangerous thoughts.
In some ways I could try to only be surrounded by pets. to stroke gentle dogs and cats needy of affection and feel happy enough about it at least for a while. I'd be happier with them and them with me than with some homo-sapiens much more aware of their environment.
Aware, Oh Really? At least conscious enough to think about all the down-to-earth and the most superficial layer of what actually exist but unconscious enough to zap all the rest as if doesn't even exist or worse, as if while existing was not even worth mentioning or talking about.
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