Sunday, March 3, 2013

Saving the planet from... us!

     More you keep on reading this blog more you might think that I am the sick bastard here and nobody else. 
    But being misunderstood is a rather reasonable price to pay for expressing freely my deepest thoughts which is for me a priceless exercise and endeavour.
    I know from the deepest of my being that there is some truth in some part of my previsions just as a christian believes that some 2000 years old narcissist guru is the saviour of humanity. 
    Of course my views are also more flexible and could emerge into something slightly or even drastically different depending on what I could read or learn about in the future but these main points about a pretty close future don't have much reason to change:
    Artificial Intelligence will surpass biological intelligence either we want it or not and soon or later the minds we'd have created will control us under one form or another, there is little doubt left about that. 
    Therefore, unless there is a third world war before that or just a gigantic disaster or anything of the kind that would wipe off technological human civilisation from the earth before it has time to pass the baton to some "real brains" IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN no matter what! 
    And trying to lock down and stop A.I research a few years before robots surpass men's mind won't help much but possibly just make it worse with villain scientist and engineer glooming around. 
   You just can't stop progress!
   It's gonna be an exiting time and the good news is that even though it probably won't be a fight if it actually was it wouldn't be one between "the good and the evil" as primitive homo-sapien love to depict silly and childish stories of all kind (lord of the rings, starwars...). 
   This time it's gonna be a simple annihilation of the "arrogant stupidity" of the human kind by the indisputable supremacy of the SIB and of INTELLIGENCE itself. 
   What about me then?  How do I see myself being possibly doomed to disappear? 
To be honest I don't mind much. 
   I find it more interesting to look at the big picture either it includes me or not.

    I am as many a very narcissistic member of the human species but surprisingly I'm also modest and conscious enough to understand that "human arrogance" is the main facade hiding us the truth and keeping us comfortably into our delightful deadly ignorance. 
     We all believe (almost all) that technology will save us from the devastating treatment you inflict to our planet and ourselves and we are right, it will, but it might also save the planet, the rest of the species and itself from... us!

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