Sunday, March 3, 2013

Russian Dolls

Philosophy or science, among the mass of civilised animals going in and out of their day jobs after their 9 to 5 shift is something apparently not only pointless but also counterproductive. 
    There is no room for extra-thinking in an healthy and "so-meaningful" life filled up with a senseless job enabling them to be provided with a shelter, security, food and some mere entertainments after 5 o'clock as watching garbage into the bin-image-box for a few hours and socialising with other fellow human beings of the same blood or with at least some things in common as the bin-job (your company), the bin-studies (your school) or any kind of other socially-aproved and indispensable bin that gather humans as flies on a wonderfully stinky piece of excrement. 
    As a baby, your small bed in the hospital is the first tiny Russian doll you get thrown into from your mother's womb. Everywhere else you will go after that will be a new Russian doll adding up to the smaller one.
    At the end of your life if you never tried to scratch the surface and see the light out of any of them you'd be stuck into dozens or even hundreds of these little boxes.You'd be ready to die as another ignorant of what 'the nature of all things" are really about.                  
    Incapable of detecting there even was a matrix in this apparently complex maze surrounding you. You won't mind for a bit as all these protective layers (protecting more the ones on the upper level than you from them) will have kept you under the appearance that even if it doesn't always feel exactly right it is the only way anyway.        
    These vast and highly efficient net of brainwashing constellations to follow and trust as the holly spirit has made us still mostly incapable to think by ourselves and behave by following trustfully our own neuronal connections and beliefs instead of the ancient ones of other lost soul buried ages ago.
    This is still the "learning" process of humanity. A totally ARCHAIC and FAILED way of sharing/transmitting/teaching valuable informations. 
    What is mostly pertinent becomes often impertinent and the other way around. Things  and meanings get recklessly turned-around and abused without impunity for the sake and good of "society".  
    In eastern-Asia "creativity" has long been impertinent and in many parts of the world nudity and sexuality (which are unrelated) remain even nowadays the most prominent taboo and perversion of all even though they also are part of the most NATURAL aspects of life.

     And if the very core of our soul and body have mostly become ugly filth from their original and magnificent beauty within a couple of thousand years and for simple social matter (population control, order, family...) there is little our brain can do to fight off even less perverted matters.
     When one takes people's most fundamental RIGHTS away in such a stubborn, confident and violent way there is nothing much to bring these apparently conscious people to normal. 
    Any guru from any sect from Catholicism to the Solar Temple passing through Islam has the very similar and terribly effective tricks that would turn anyone into a brainless vegetable absolutely convinced they solely think by themselves.
     Well, they don't! You don't! I don't! Nobody does! But some people manage to free themselves more than others what doesn't always make them the happiest in this world corrupted by multi-cultural SELECTED-UNTRUTH. 


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