Sunday, March 3, 2013

How the Super Intelligence Being might say "goodbye" to Homo-sapiens

    The real genocide hasn't come yet but don't worry if you are not even middle-aged yet you shall be able to experience it in your life-time in case "intelligence" doesn't have much mercy and goes for radical solutions instead of good-hearted ones.
    There are at least 50% chances for the whole bulk of the 12 billions of homo-sapiens that will be here in 3 to 5 decades from now to be erased from planet earth in a matter of seconds! hmmmm...
    Sounds a little nuts for sure but a "terminator scenario" as you can see in the movie of the same name is very unlikely to occur. There shouldn't be any global war of any kind against the machines even if some robots' rebellions will obviously take place at some early stage as in the movie Irobot. 
    But once the Super Intelligent Being (as one global intelligent entity) and not even the SIBs will be hundreds of times smarter than the whole humanity put together nothing will be able to resist it and life or death (of some parasites) might have as much meaning as time and space: They don't really exist.
     So sorry to break it to you but if you expected to bravely fight against the machines with your stupid ass surviving at the end of the day it's not gonna happen. If the SIB realise that the mosquitoes that we are are actually more hurtful for the ecosystem than necessary it will "take us off" in the blink of an eye very effortlessly and without giving us any time to process "what's going on". 
   The same way we kill cattle or any type of under-species of the kind. And WE have emotions... (but sure, we have to eat, don't we?). 
   How will it happen then?! 
Could be anything our primitive minds would be totally unable to think off.
   For what we can process and imagine, a lethal gas would be a pretty poor way to put it  (but since the machines don't breath obviously...).
   A more probable one would be a deadly high levelled "frequency" hurting our all body and organs for a theatrical global death of the human kind and probably other species especially mammals.
   Could be a prodigious Science-fiction movie before it actually happens! 
But still, it seems pretty unlikely since the rest of the ecosystem might be affected too and I don't think that the SIB will want to let go animals other than humans.
    If it ever happens it will be much cleaner than anything some sick humans have ever done or even think of.
    No gas chamber, oven, atomic bombs, poisoned gas or water or food or surely weapons of any kind...

For what other reason would they want to get rid of us anyway?      
   We primitive species have always used primitive tools to give birth, live and die but in a future where "natural birth" and "natural death" will be something of the past there will be some "life threatening" restructuring to operate for sure.  Live long enough and you might see it happen with your own eyes if you still have them 


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